A large number of convicts want change. They want to start again and better, but their own motivation is often not enough to successfully return to society. That is why we support them on their way back to society – in getting and keeping work, in resolving debts, in finding accommodation and in communicating with the authorities, in accountability to themselves, family and the environment.
We are here for those who want to start again, be in it with us!
I. You can pay online on Darujme.cz
⇒ You can also send the payment via the QR code:
RUBIKON Centrum is exempt from gift tax. We will use all donations we receive in full. Of donations donated through the darujme.cz portal, 2% of the total donation is deducted as a cost of operating the darujme.cz portal. |
II. Shop online through GIVT
How does it work?
On the givt.cz portal, find your favorite e-shop (for example, Mall.cz, Zoot, Notino) and enter RUBIKON Centrum in the field of the organization you want to support. The givt.cz portal redirects you to the pages of the selected e-shop and the purchase itself takes place as you know it.
So what’s the difference?
You will contribute a few percent of the price of your purchase to support the RUBIKON Center. However, the price you pay for the purchase remains the same.
Start by clicking on: https://givt.cz.
III. How else can you support us?
⇒ one-time financial gift or a standing payment order sent to bank account
No. 2600828898/2010, Fio banka, a.s.
⇒ via QR code:
We will be happy to provide you with a tax deductible receipt. |
If you are willing to help in non-profit area, you can invest your time and know-how you may be interested in our offer.
You can help us with:
- Organization of activities for Community Center and Garden Kotlaska
- Marketing and business activities
- Translation of materials (mostly English),
- Graphic edits, copywriting, proofreading
- Mentoring, working with our clients
We gladly welcome any other volunteer help.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer do not hesitate to contact us.
Hana Kramlová, Fundraising Director
Phone: +420 730 158 873
E-mail: [email protected]